Using class AA with 10 rounds

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Round 1: 8, M, 6

Canadian Tee, Star, Stardian

Round 2: 18, O, 9

Zircon, Satellite, Cat-Accordian

Round 3: H, 15, 21

Bow, Catepillar, Zig-Zag - Marquis

Round 4: F, 1, A

Open Accordian, Snowflake - Offset, Unipod

Round 5: 2, 19

Sidebody Donut - Front Sideflake Donut, Ritz - Icepick

Round 6: 13, E, D

Hammer, Meeker, Yuan

Round 7: K, L, 20

Hook, Adder, Piver - Viper

Round 8: N, Q, J, 4

Crank, Phalanx, Donut, Monopod

Round 9: C, 7, P

Murphy Flake, Side Buddies, Sidebody

Round 10: 11, 14

Photon, Bipole